Thursday, May 6, 2010

If ye are prepared ye shall not fear

I know I haven't blogged in a while probably because I don't feel as though I have had anything important to say that would impact anybodies lives. My blog doesn't have the coolest format, my blog doesn't have amazingly interesting pictures of all the places I've travelled(because we don't have money to travel), my blog doesn't have the latest fashion styles, it's just about me and my family. But more recently I have been prompted that me, friends, and family are not living the law of preparedness the way the Lord has warned us to. (Atleast I know I don't have a year supply of food, fuel and basic necessities) I know I have clothing..maybe not warm or the most fashionable but I have lots of clothing!)

President Monson has stated:
"Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had their year's supply of food…and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have at least a year's supply of debt and are food-free."

So the things I post from this point forward.... I would like to start my journey on the things I learn about preparedness (and family stuff too) because I think it's something that is important and the infamous scripture which says "IF YE ARE PREPARED YE SHALL NOT FEAR" will really bring you and me peace because we know we can prepare and do what we have been asked. I have had this prompting for many years and have ignored it time and time again and fear if I continue to ignore the need to prepare the promptings will stop and it will be to late when the time comes. "When the time comes to perform, the time has passed to prepare." If you are reading this and feeling a prompting to become better at preparing please take this journey with me because I am no expert but am trying to live the commandments that I am lacking in more fully so that I may be here to meet the savior when he comes again (and yes I beleive I will still be alive when it happens)


Unknown said...

Stacia, I have had these exact same thoughts the last 5 or 6 months. I don't have food storage, and that thought has been nagging me for months, I have even gone to the extent of thinking that maybe instead of paying for this next semester of school I could use that money for a decent food storage. But I need to do both, so this will be so good to read your blog and see the things that you are doing and learning, cause like you, I am no expert, but know that being prepared will ease that fear.

Krista and Aaron said...

I am also in the same boat! Please share any ideas you come up with, especially how to prepare storage for growing babies! I feel like I'm constantly having to switch things up for Gavin and its driving me crazy!

tara said...

I'm with ya girl!

Nat and Adam said...

You so rock Stac :) You are a great example to all of us, and don't be too hard on yourself-cuz I've seen your food storage and it's pretty impressive! I can't wait to get together this summer and bottle up some good stuff! I've already researched and we can totally bottle roasted red peppers :) By the way, WONDERFUL blessing Sunday, and thank you for letting Adam be a part of it :) Love love love!!!