So everyone knows you can only survive 3 days without water so I wanted to do water first. In March the Centerville City sent me a letter stating the tap water was contaminated for a while but the problem was taken care of, I can' t breast feed, so I feed Beckham tap water with formula! To my relief Beckham didn't get sick from it. But either way this experience Got me thinking water storage isn't only for an emergency but also for everyday life, all I have to do in case water is contaminated is go to my closets or pantry and get a drink.
Since you need the bare minimum of 1 gallon per person per day for 2 weeks here are some containers that I have gotten to store water in, 5-gallon food grade container, 15 gallon container for inside the home, water bottles, and I am in the process of getting 55 gallon barrel for outside, you can search for the cheapest prices on google, but I like the stackable 5 gallon barrels at The Ready and they have a spigot to attach for easy access to water. I got an idea since you have to rotate your water out every six months, I do it every time conference comes on and then it reminds me time to change out the water!
If you store water bottles, they only last 2 years so you need to drink or rotate them otherwise they start to obsorb the plastic and it contaminates the water, also look for a good priced water filter you can by some from the church for your 72-hour kits that are cup sized(, (since everybody wants to filter toilet water), other than that I like to go with the Berkey(any kind that suits your needs) they are a great recommended brand! It's important to get all sizes since you may need to leave your home, water bottles and 5 gallons would be portable, 55 gallon would be if you were quaranteened to your house. (You get the idea)
Now where do you store all this water? I have some under my bead, I put some at the bottom of my closet with a wood slat over the top so it becomes the bottom of your closet since there is so much empty space there, at foot of your bead with fabric over it, possibilities are endless! SOMETHING I HAVE LEARNED IS ONCE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, YOU JUST HAVE TO UPKEEP AND ROTATE IT, IT MAY SEEM LIKE A SACRIFICE BUT NOTHING CAN PUT A PRICE ON PEACE OF MIND!
Good luck and let me know when you have it done or if you have any good advice for things that work for you, let me know!
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