Monday, October 26, 2009

Food Preparedness, Harder Than I thought

So I have been trying my best to get food storage together and I can't seem to do enough research, I think I've got the exact amount I need and then somebody I know says you can get it cheaper here or that type of wheat is not good for making bread, it definately takes a wealth of knowledge to store food! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know otherwise I will continue to plug away at researching the best deals until the baby comes! Or if you have any good recipes, please send them my way!


The Benedict's said... are doing really well! I am starting but it's been a slow process. Where do you buy your powdered things (powdered milk, eggs, etc.)?

Jenae said...

Stacia!! It has been so long since I've seen or talked to you. It is Jenae Newman from long long ago...I saw your blog on Janica Paynes.

I hope all is well for you. You are beautiful as ever, and congrats on the baby boy!

My blog is private but if you would like an invitation, send me an email at and I will send you an invite!

Take care!